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The Ultimate Guide to Employee Engagement



  • Why is there an employee engagement guide?
  • What I want for you
  • The Employee Engagement Guide operates as follows:


  • What exactly is worker engagement?
  • Why is it crucial for employees to be engaged?

  • Increase the respect you receive at work:
  • The need to modify your employee engagement strategies

4.Lasting impressions

Why is there an employee engagement guide?

The essential reason why the very best managers rise to the top and leave everyone else in the dark is what I want you to comprehend. I want you to comprehend how, no matter which organization they join, they are able to maximize the talent potential of their teams.

Simply knowing how the greatest operate won't elevate you or your company to awesomeness. I mean, it's only a thought. To improve employee engagement and boost business success, you must spend many hours carefully collaborating and experimenting with your team if you want to be like the top managers. You must first comprehend the steps necessary to progress, just like when learning to play an instrument or perform a sport at a high level, and then you must practice, practice, practice.

figure 1

What I want for you

1. To get you thinking about employee engagement in the appropriate way is the first objective of this guide.

When it comes to motivating and engaging employees, the majority of the people we speak with have the wrong priorities. They will then be unable to succeed, despite their best efforts, since they are working on the wrong things.

2. The second objective is to inspire you.

Your company and its employees can become far more engaged than they are currently if you read this guide and then work with your team to implement the methods in this guide. No, it's unlikely that you'll succeed Tony Hsieh or Sheryl Sandberg. However, the majority of managers can build highly motivated teams if they only take the time to understand the best practices and put up the effort to implement them.

I'm hoping this inspires you. By making a commitment to improvement and implementing the suggestions in this guide, you can develop a highly engaged team of workers who are much more involved than they are at the moment.

The Employee Engagement Guide operates as follows:

This manual is really straightforward; I'll outline three key ideas and demonstrate the best ways to use them, as well as potential difficulties. The rationale for making it straightforward is that most people still have very little understanding of employee engagement. If something seems oversimplified, it's because doing it correctly can soon become very complicated. This is done so you can understand the fundamental idea.

What exactly is worker engagement?

You must comprehend employee involvement in order to increase it.

Wikipedia states that employee engagement is "a characteristic of the partnership between a company and its staff. An "engaged employee" is someone who is completely immersed by and excited about their work and who therefore takes constructive action to further the reputation and interests of the business."

Something matters to you more when you have a greater personal investment in it.

Your involvement in "it," whether it's your children, your health, or your profession, increases. And if the outcome means anything to you, you'll be far more motivated to put more effort into it.

The same holds true for your staff. Their work matters more to them and motivates them to contribute more the more personally committed they are in it. To increase everyone's level of personal investment, you must focus on employee engagement. They boost their beneficial contributions to the organization in this way.

Why is it crucial for employees to be engaged?

Employee engagement is a major driver of important metrics like retention and profitability, according to a rapidly expanding body of research. Because of this, chief executives and senior executives are eager to understand the value of employee engagement to the business and capitalize on it. But once more, the majority ignore the advice in this manual and pay attention to the incorrect things. The issue is that these managers aren't focusing on ways to regularly increase their staff members' degree of personal investment.

1. Increasing income

Let's be clear about one thing. It's impossible to overstate how much employee involvement affects the bottom line.

Over 111,000 employee questionnaires on employee engagement were evaluated over a ten-year period by Queen's University School of Business.

The most engaged organizations consistently had 15% higher employee productivity and up to 30% higher levels of customer satisfaction.

2. Put extra money aside

Only 32% of US workers and 13% globally are actively engaged in their jobs.

You can see why employee engagement is vital when you consider that businesses with lower levels of engagement incur much higher costs related to turnover and absenteeism.

It is well accepted that keeping current employees is more economical than acquiring new ones, therefore it is understandable why low levels of engagement are so costly. Work on attracting more employees to stay with the company for longer if you ever want to make money with staffing.

3. Bonus: a positive workplace culture!

Although I just mentioned the two main advantages, there is a third advantage that clarifies the significance of employee involvement.

Building organizational culture involves increasing employee involvement.

Consider this:

The great majority of businesses still rely on a self-serving, hyper-competitive culture to produce results. It's an evil mentality that is practically widespread. It goes something like this: "Employee performance will improve due to competition, which will improve the results as a whole. Let the "invisible hand" handle the other details. Unfortunately, this limits employees' personal investments to the bare minimum that matters to them individually.

Increase the respect you receive at work:

Make recognition based on contributions.

87% of recognition programs, according to Bersin & Associates, prioritize tenure over effort and contribution. It's unlikely that your new workforce is feeling the effects of recognition programs targeting 5-year anniversaries, especially with a workforce that is heavily populated by millennials and where the average tenure is between 1 and 3 years.

Although the US spends over $100 billion yearly on incentive programs, 58% of workers said their leadership could "provide recognition" first to increase participation. With no additional expense to the business, you can positively reinforce that awesome behavior and raise employee engagement by having free recognition programs that spotlight exceptional work ethic or output.

The need to modify your employee engagement strategies

I've covered a lot up to this point, including how to think about employee engagement successfully and some practical tactics you can use right away. However, the truth is that in huge firms, employee engagement is even more difficult to manage. Others have spread workforces and others have several offices. Others must deal with an annual employee turnover rate of 100%. Organizations must constantly adapt because of this.

Employee involvement is crucial, though, precisely for this reason—so that firms can continuously adapt to change. not only a few times a year.

Lasting impressions

Congratulations if you haven't encountered problems with employee engagement as a manager. You should keep racing around giving your coworkers high-fives every day. However, I caution you against being complacent since things can change tomorrow. The finest managers always involve their staff members, wherever they are and whatever the situation. By utilizing the entire skill potential of their employees, they are able to provide amazing value thanks to their understanding of this concept.

To generate economic results and create thriving corporate cultures, managers today are measuring and raising employee engagement. Success is now essentially nonexistent.

Figure 2


Sumitani A,(17th Aug 2018)




  1. When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute. So I hope being emotional to get the benefit of employees is the best solution for organizational success

  2. this article is nice and very interesting. well summarized.

  3. very important and interesting article. Thank you for sharing knowledge.


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